Checklist for an effective cover letter

We hope this checklist will help you avoid leaving out any important information.


You now have the first paragraph of your cover letter. Now it’s time to write the rest of it.

Your CV

The CV is a summary of facts: your education, experience and other elements important to your career. You can mention certain elements from your CV in your cover letter but you should then take the opportunity to develop them a little. You can for example explain your thesis or the tasks that you were in charge of in a given company. But do not do so if these explanations are not relevant to the job in question.

Write down what the company wants to read

Stick to facts that are important to the reader. As already mentioned above, do not mention in your letter experience or education that are not relevant to the position for which you are applying. For example, if you are applying for a position that requires a thorough knowledge of English, do not describe your great command of Dutch instead. But do mention all the languages you know in your CV.

Give good arguments

Mention clearly in your cover letter the position for which you are applying and explain why you would like to have the job. If you are, for example, particularly interested in the business of the company, do not hesitate to mention it. You have some experience in a similar job or have gained relevant knowledge thanks to a traineeship? These are all arguments that can play in your favour.

Give examples

Examples are always very effective. Some experience in the organising events is required for the job? Then give an example of an event that you helped organise in the past, possibly briefly explaining the tasks that you were assigned, the number of participants and so on.

Show who you are

Your letter is an opportunity to say a little more about yourself. If you are applying for a commercial job, for example, you can write that you are very focused on achieving sales results and want to contribute to the development of the company. Try to show what differentiates you from other candidates who have the same qualifications as you.

Use a proper name for your file

Same rule as for your CV. If you’re going to attach your cover letter to your application, avoid giving your letter a name that’s impossible to understand. Instead, name it Cover Letter_ Chris Luton for example. And if you decide to mention the name of the company in the name, make sure it’s the right one.

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