Stand out of the crowd and get invited to a first interview!

It's up to you to make sure your CV and letter stand out from the crowd. Not with silly fonts and rainbow colours, but with a quality CV and an enthusiastic letter.


For every vacancy, companies receive tens if not hundreds of CVs and letters. So they can spend just a few seconds looking at each CV. So it’s up to you to make sure your CV and letter stand out from the crowd! Not with silly fonts and rainbow colours, but with a quality CV and an enthusiastic letter.

No CV without a letter, no letter without a CV

An application must consist of a CV and a covering letter. The CV gives an overall impression of what you have to offer the company, and the letter allows you to go into more detail. So never hesitate to attach a letter if possible, it allows you to set yourself apart from the other candidates with more or less the same profile as yours.

A photo is not necessary

Do you think you are more likely to get noticed if you put a professional photo on your CV? Not necessarily. In fact, it’s the content of your CV which counts, so try not to detract too much from it. The recruiter could take a few seconds looking at your picture, which means they’ll have less time to read your CV.

Be contactable

Your contact details should preferably be right at the top of your CV. For example, you could put them in the page header. The recruiter can then see your name and if they want to invite you for a first interview, they don’t have to go hunting for your mobile number.

Get straight to the point

Describe what you have to offer the company in a few lines at the top of your CV. For example, you could mention your main skills which are relevant to the position. Or, if you are applying for a position for which you have little experience, you could set out your career ambitions in a few lines.

Provide a little explanation

Do not simply quote what you have achieved in the past, provide a little explanation too. Give an insight into the tasks you carried out within a given job and the success you archived.

Less is more

Be brief, there is no point having a CV which is several pages long, it will not get read. As recruiters do not have a great deal of time to read your CV, there is no point stretching it out. Make sure the essential elements stands out so the recruiters can immediately find the information they need.

The structure is crucial

A recruiter will not be able to do anything with all this information if he cannot find it. So, as well as the content, the structure of your CV is key. If the recruiter cannot find the essential information quickly, your chances of a positive response are reduced. Use a clear structure, with clear, pertinent headings.

We hope this advice will help you produce your CV and covering letter. Of course, we cannot guarantee that you will be contacted by a company, but if you meet the profile, this advice should get you noticed.

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