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Sales Manager

MacroArray Diagnostics GmbH
Netherlands, Belgium
Snel solliciteren
MacroArray Diagnostics GmbH * Netherlands, Belgium * Vast contract, onbepaalde tijd * Voltijds - Introduction - We have revolutionized allergy diagnostics and have been operating successfully in more than 70 countries for over 5 years with our diagnostic products and patented technologies. Our products help clarifying allergies in a single step – for humans and animals alike. Allergies are diagnosed in a highly specific manner so that patients receive help by their in no time. We increase quality of life, enable personalized treatment, advance research and relieve our health system. We need you for * Managing key accounts and acting as a point of contact for clients * Representing MADx at conferences * Organizing client meetings to discuss their requirements * Timely resolving problems and handling complaints
AXA Partners * België * Vast contract, onbepaalde tijd * Voltijds - AXA Partners is een transversale business unit van AXA die een breed scala aan oplossingen biedt op het gebied van ondersteuning, reisverzekering en kredietbescherming. De rol van AXA Partners is ook om innovatieve oplossingen te implementeren die voortkomen uit de AXA Innovation unit. Combineer passe met expertise, Wij ontwerpen en leveren wereldwijd oplossingen voor partners en gemeenschappen. Wij beschermen wat belangrijk is, wanneer het belangrijk is. Jouw verantwoordelijkheden - De missie van onze onderneming is om een solide en betrouwbare partner op het vlak van gezondheidszorg te zijn voor onze klanten. Wij zetten al ons professionalisme in om onze klanten optimaal te begeleiden zodat zij zorgeloos hun hospitalisatie of zorg in het algemeen tegemoet kunnen gaan.
AXA Partners * Belgium * Vast contract, onbepaalde tijd * Voltijds - AXA Partners is an AXA transversal business unit offering a wide range of solutions in assistance services, travel insurance and credit protection. AXA Partners' role is also to implement innovative solutions emerging from the AXA Innovation unit. Combining passion with advanced expertise, we design and deliver worldwide solutions for and communities. We protect what matters, when it matters. Jouw verantwoordelijkheden - The mission of our Healthcare department is to be a solid and reliable healthcare partner for our clients. We put all our professionalism into supporting our clients in the best possible way so that they can go about their hospitalization or care in general without any worries. This in the context of hospitalization insurance, insurance for outpatient expenses or serious illness, and